A (Partial) Timeline of Music Education Blogging Music Education by Joel Wagner - November 24, 2008July 1, 201019 In Dr. Pisano’s effort to get 100 Music Education (ME) Bloggers by the end of this year, I thought it would be interesting to go through those blogs he has listed and see if I could determine when they all started. 2002 August 30 Frogstory Records’ Player Journal starts out with Warming Up 2004 May 12 Educación Musical by Oscar starts out with Aquí comienza la bitácora de Educación Musical 2005 May 13 Catalysts & Connections by Evan Tobias starts out with Mamapalooza August 29 About.com: Music Education by Espie Estrella starts out with Music and Kids – How to Instill the Love of Music in Your Child September 1 Music Matters Blog by Natalie Wickham starts out with About Natalie September 3 Jason Heath’s Double Bass Blog starts out with Method Books October 5 Joseph Pisano’s personal blog starts out (changes to MusTech.net in August of 2006) November 7 The Collaborative Piano Blog by Dr. Chris Foley starts out with The One-Page Guide To Collaborative Piano Playing 2006 February 23 Dr. Jonathan Savage’s blog starts out with Is there a need for music education? June 17 Alex Ruthmann’s Blog starts out with Finally, beginning my own blog July 7 elarning for music by Pete Whitfield starts out with For Starters… July 10 The Digital Music Educator Owen Bradley starts out with Times they are a-changin’ July 14 Roger Whaley’s blog starts out with SmartMusic and what I have learned here this week August 3 MusTech.Net by Dr. Joseph Pisano starts out with The First Post September 12 Music Technology in Education by Dr. James Frankl starts out with TI:ME New Jersey Technology In-Service Conference September 14 Be A Techie by Carol Broos starts out with What is the time difference? October 15 Proximity Effect by Paul Draper starts out with Webcasts and Creative Commons Project October 22 Dr. Rizz’s blog by Dr. Eric Rasmussen starts out with Building Music Understanding: New Music Educators Blog, info for parents too 2007 January 20 Teacher in a Strange Land starts out with Who is the Teacher in a Strange Land? January 22 Sound On by Jonathan Filbert starts out with Cyrus Chestnut and Kevin Mahogany February 4 Dr. Miikka Salavuo’s blog starts out with Why To Blog? February 11 So You Want To Teach? by Joel starts out with 5 Keys To Education People March 12 Marching Music by Alison Hulihan starts out with Marching Music Background March 23 Music Tech for ME by V. Keith Mason starts out with Welcome to Music Tech for ME June 4 Free2Create by Valerie starts out with The courage to grow June 27 Music, Middle School and Web 2.0 by Susan Hart starts out with Jumping In and Getting Wet! June 28 …the music is free… starts out with Some thoughts on music… July 20 AfriClassical by William J. Zick starts out with Black Composer in Polka Dots July 24 guled to the string by Stan Haskins starts out with First Post August 24 Percussion Education Online by Kevin Tuck starts out with The Percussion Education Blog is Back – Bigger and Better than ever! August 27 The Music Teacher’s Blog by Janice Tuck starts out with Welcome to the Music Teachers Blog! September 22 Composing Like Mad by Travis J. Weller starts out with Composing Like Mad October 18 Jazz Works by Allan Perkins starts out with What Is Jazz? October 23 Music Tech Musings by Susan Davis starts out with My First Post October 27 Music Is Not for Insects by Ken Pendergrass starts out with About the title of my blog… October 28 WI Orchestra by Ann Winze starts out with Happy Halloween! November 24, 2007 Doc’s Blog by Dr. Kevin Andry starts out with Welcome to my new Blog! December 27 Piano Pedagogy Plus by Jon Ensminger starts out with Testing the new mojo-Blog component See also 15 Free Online Education Resources for Teachers2008 January 1 Choir Teachers by Kyle Gardner starts out with New Site January 14 Dvz’s Mix by Deborah Valdivia-Zwolinski starts out with In the Beginning January 14 I Know…I Think by Leo Park starts out with Writing & Speaking Musically January 17 fsharpbflat by Linda Granite starts out with what do you do? January 21 MusicAnthology starts out with Concertos of Beethoven January 22 Music Ed Lounge by Steve Engel starts out with An Open Invitation to Elementary Music Teachers and Composers January 28 John Wilborn’s Weblog starts out with The Moving Sidewalk Analogy January 30 MusicEdTech by Barbara Freedman starts out with Podcasting in the classroom January 30 Making The Most of Notation Software by Tom Rudolph starts out with Is Notation Software For You? February 14 Edgar Groves’ Weblog starts out with Welcome to my new blog February 14 Bandguys’ Blog starts out with Welcome, Welcome… February 23 Teaching the Wire Choir by Dale Lewis starts out with Welcome to “Teaching the Wire Choir” February 23 Perham’s Prattlings by Steffany Perham starts out with Hello World! March 11 The Band Ed Tool Shed by Roger Whaley replaces his former blog with Moving To Blogger March 14 Southern Iowa Music Education Network by Michael Compton starts out with Southern Iowa Music Education – Launch! March 19 QACHS’s Band Blog by Eric Wright starts out with Welcome!!! March 21 Artful, Tuneful, Beatful by Martha Grondin starts out with Great smartboard activity March 20 M-LET Blog by Matthew Beresik starts out with Hello World! April 5 Third Division by David DeVoto starts out with Forums available April 7 Notes from the Mitten by Erinn Wrobel starts out with The Beginning April 13 Piano Teacher’s Retreat by Rebecca Brown starts out with Yes, Drill Sergeant April 21 Elementary Music/Music Technology Blog by Amy Burns starts out with Welcome! April 21 Music Technology Specialist Blog by Rich Blenkinsopp starts out with Music Education and Technology April 22 Music Education for All by Dan Leeman starts out with Intelligent Music Teaching April 23 Helping Educate by Sharing Ideas by Kyle Krstolic starts out with First Post, First Question April 23 Confessions of a Band Director by Doug Butchy starts out with First Post April 25 Phil Kirkman’s blog starts out with Hello! April 26 Total Music Education by Greg Albing starts out with What is “comprehensive?” April 26 MsTrissMusic by Ms. Tris starts out with Thanks Sho-Down! May 4 Tanbur Music Education Blogspot by David French starts out with School Music and the Internet May 5 Teaching Music by Ben Baker starts out with The Best-Laid Plans May 14 musicteachers911 by Larry Marra starts out with already hit a blogging speed-bump May 15 Creativity and Songwriting in Music Education by Steve Mugglin starts out with A Different Place For Me June 1 GuitArticles by Tennyson Williams starts out with Arpeggios June 5 Education in Music by Theresa White starts out with This is Me and a bit of what I do… June 5 Discover, Learn Play by Eugene Cantera starts out with Welcome! July 1 How To Practise by Mike Saville starts out with Listening? July 4 Thomas J West Music blog starts out with Practice Tip #1: Make a Practice Session Schedule July 10 Creative Kid Music by Dan Thompson starts out with Hello World! July 22 MusicTech4Ed by Andrew Spang starts out with Why Blog? July 22 Music Teacher Cafe by Scott Ashby starts out with May I get you a latte? July 23 Tech Toys and Tunes by Richard McReady starts out with Toys for Grown Ups August 5 DiscomBLOGulated by Brend Muench starts out with Welcome to Making a Blog in Edublog.org August 16 ReBand by Mr. ReBand starts out with ReBand August 16 Third-Stream Music Education by Cary Stewart starts out with Welcome To Third-Stream August 27 Down Press Up by Derek starts out with Down Press Up September 4 Listen and Learn by Rachel Rambach starts out with An Introduction September 22 The Misadventures of a First Year Music Teacher by Alexandra Gallant starts out with overheard at the park See also The Many Benefits of Music Education [Infographic]Unknown Tales From The Podium by Chad Criswell starts out with Second Life For Distance Education Acoustic Path starts out in February, 2008 Are you a music educator with a blog? Did I leave you off this list? Leave a comment, and I’ll add you. Some interesting points of interest here that I discovered is that there seem to be music educators creating blogs all the time. Since June of 2007, at least one blog a month has been created. This is wonderful! With this many blogs, there should be no shortage of great content in December’s edition of the Music Education Blog Carnival! So go ahead and submit an article. Joel WagnerJoel Wagner (@sywtt) began teaching band in 2002. Though he had a lot of information, his classes were out of control. He found himself tired, frustrated, disrespected by students, lonely, and on the brink of quitting. He had had enough. He resigned from his school district right before spring break of his second year and made it his personal mission to learn to be a great teacher. So You Want To Teach? is the ongoing story of that quest for educational excellence.
Joel This is a great historical list! Congrats, I am going to post to it. One addition, is I started my first education/music blog on October 5th, 2005 @ jpisano.com/blog This was folded and reborn into mustech.net in August of 2006. I’d also like permission to reprint this list and credit and link to you/it under the ME Blogger tab on page… J. Pisano
Thanks for taking the time to compile this list. The first article I published was actually this one: http://collaborativepiano.blogspot.com/2005/11/one-page-guide-to-collaborative-piano.html I created the test post later as a place to dump images so I could harvest the source url’s later
Wow! What an undertaking! This is so fun to have in list form. I began going through each one a while ago, but this list motivates me to continue!
Chris, I made the change. Thanks! Rebecca, I was surprised by how much it motivated me too. I was saddened by the number of blogs I found that had been around for more than a few months and had less than 5 posts. Maybe this trackback will help inspire them to write some more…
Hi Joel – that’s an interesting study! My own music education blog has lapsed (pwhitfield.edublogs.org) but not my commitment to elearning and music! I found I was writing online in just too many different places so I re-organised! In particular, I found that carrying on the discussion in places like classroom20.ning.com was more valuable to me than my own blog, and I wanted to integrate my professional music blogging and my education blogging in one place, as it hit me that these were not separate but mutually beneficial. All the best.
Hey this was really nice..Thanks for taking time to do this..I’m going to book mark this page for sure!`
Joel, Thanks for putting in the work to put together this list! Since you have my site down as Unknown I will clarify things a bit. MusicEdMagic actually started on July 26th of 2005 but with a different domain name. My first article (Group Discipline While Traveling) is still up there at the address: http://www.musicedmagic.com/educational-travel/group-discipline-while-traveling.html I didn’t start calling my blog Tales From The Podium until much later. Sorry for the confusion. :)
Fantastic list, thanks for putting this together. Now I’ve just got to find time to investigate all those extra resources . . . .
I must admit it was a fun project. Just sitting down and reading a few music education blogs really inspired me and gave me a few new feeds to follow as well. Thanks for all of your comments! I’m away from home, but when I get back I will make sure to make all of the changes you have all suggested.
I’m a music teacher with an education blog–but I don’t blog exclusively about music education. Does that count? I’ve been blogging since January 2007… Nancy
Although I’m a music teacher, I confess that very few of the posts on my blog (which I only started in October last year) are specifically about music – but I’m sure the balance will be redressed in time!
Nancy and Caz, I started my blog in February of 2007 and wrote nothing specifically about music teaching for the first year. Even then, it was maybe once a month. Don’t worry about it. Just write whatever works and share it with the world. :)
Thanks, Joel. Might I be added to your list then? I started writing on January 20, 2007 with this post, entitled “Who is the Teacher in a Strange Land?” http://teacherleaders.typepad.com/teacher_in_a_strange_land/2007/01/who_is_the_teac.html Hey! Tomorrow is my two-year anniversary. I’m off to celebrate. Nancy
Hi Joel! Great post! It’s so cool to see so many bloggers blogging about music ed. I didn’t see mine in the list though!;) I re-started blogging publicly on Oct 15, 2008 when I changed my classroom website into a blog and began this journey to blog about life in the Urban Music Education world. I’m inspired by your blog and have added you to my blogroll too! Thanks, Sarah Johnston at UrbanMusicEducation.org
I didn’t make the 100 Music Ed bloggers list, but maybe I can be included here! I started writing The Lowe Piano Studio Blog in Jan. of 2009 with a post called Why I Love Teaching Piano. http://lowepianostudio.blogspot.com/2009/01/why-i-love-teaching-piano.html Thanks! Laura
I would like to recommend http://www.smartboardmusic.org Please take a look and tell me if you would like a reciprocal link thanks so much victoria
Hi, it’s a great list but July 1 is not quite the right date for me . . . my site actually started in Sep 2006. It was replatformed to Drupal in Feb 2008 so that is the date that is reflected in a lot of my content. Not that it’s really important – what matters is that all this great content is out there!