Reading aloud – enriching your young child’s reading experience Reader Appreciation by Jason Phillips - June 16, 20171 There are many benefits to reading aloud to your kids. To begin with, reading helps parents bond with their children, and thus they might grow up eager to open a book, learn and put their creativity to good use. Studies have shown that if you don’t read to them by the age of 5, your kid’s interest in reading may drop to 40%. Why should you strive to instill a passion for reading in your child? Read on to find out the reasons. Language development Research says that reading aloud to kids is a healthy way to promote language development, as well as additional literacy skills. Both shared book reading and reading aloud has proven to increase a child’s literacy ability
Reader Appreciation 2008: Clix Reader Appreciation by Joel Wagner - November 12, 2008July 1, 20101 November is Reader Appreciation Month at So You Want To Teach? This year’s focus is First Year Teaching Tips. There’s still room if you want to participate! Contact me and let me know your answer to this question: What are some things you wish you had known before you started your first year of teaching? Today’s response is from Clix, the author of Epic Adventures Are Often Uncomfortable. Things I wish I knew when I was a first-year teacher: Backward Design - Reviewing the standards and keeping them in mind as I plan my units and my lessons helps me to clarify for the students what they need to learn. Each year will continue to get better (at least,
Reader Appreciation 2008: Scribbler Reader Appreciation by Atticus Parker - November 10, 2008August 3, 20103 November is Reader Appreciation Month at So You Want To Teach? This year’s focus is First Year Teaching Tips. There’s still room if you want to participate! Contact me and let me know your answer to this question: What are some things you wish you had known before you started your first year of teaching? Today’s response is from Scribbler, the author of Scribbler's Den. This has been a great exercise. I have so much to write about now! A school's focus on student results and grades is not necessarily a focus on their education. You should focus on their education. The structure of the school year into units, terms and semesters mean the years will
Reader Appreciation 2008: Emily Reader Appreciation by Joel Wagner - November 6, 2008July 1, 20104 November is Reader Appreciation Month at So You Want To Teach? This year’s focus is First Year Teaching Tips. There’s still room if you want to participate! Contact me and let me know your answer to this question: What are some things you wish you had known before you started your first year of teaching? Today’s response is from Emily, a regular reader of this blog. NEVER assume your kids know the basics, you might be surprised. It's not you personally, but it might have been something you overlooked. Sometimes, patience isn't enough, though it will get you through the tough times. First and foremost: love your students first, then share your knowledge. Classroom Procedures should be set up
Reader Appreciation 2008: Pat Hensley Reader Appreciation by Joel Wagner - November 5, 2008July 1, 20102 November is Reader Appreciation Month at So You Want To Teach? This year’s focus is First Year Teaching Tips. There’s still room if you want to participate! Contact me and let me know your answer to this question: What are some things you wish you had known before you started your first year of teaching? Today’s response is from Pat Hensley, the author of Successful Teaching. Knowing how to set up a grade book and weighing different assignments Have a support system Meeting with other new teachers and sharing day to day problems Technology (computers in the classroom didn’t exist back then) Constructive criticism from someone who actually taught in my subject area Real textbooks (I had to dig mine out of the textbook
Reader Appreciation 2008: Doug Johnson Reader Appreciation by Joel Wagner - November 4, 2008July 1, 20102 November is Reader Appreciation Month at So You Want To Teach? This year’s focus is First Year Teaching Tips. There’s still room if you want to participate! Contact me and let me know your answer to this question: What are some things you wish you had known before you started your first year of teaching? Today’s response is from Doug Johnson, the author of the wildly popular Blue Skunk Blog. Since he already posted his top 10 list on his own blog, I'll go ahead and send you over there so you can see his first year teaching picture. He's a brave man! This is in response to (a very flattering) request by Joel on his So You Want
Reader Appreciation 2008: David Warlick Reader Appreciation by Joel Wagner - November 3, 2008July 1, 20102 November is Reader Appreciation Month at So You Want To Teach? This year's focus is First Year Teaching Tips. There's still room if you want to participate! Contact me and let me know your answer to this question: What are some things you wish you had known before you started your first year of teaching? Today's response is from David Warlick, the author of the wildly popular 2¢ Worth. It is important to note that when I interviewed for my first teaching job and was offered the position, I didn't know that I had been interviewing for a Math vacancy, and they didn't know that they has been interviewing a Social Studies teacher. I accepted the job, however, and proceeded to have
Get Ready For Reader Appreciation Month 2008 Reader Appreciation by Joel Wagner - October 28, 2008July 1, 20101 Thanksgiving is a holiday for remembering what we have and giving thanks to our God for His blessings. I like to spend the months of November and December reaching out and giving. I practice giving as a regular habit throughout much of my life, but I specifically focus in these two months on giving back to my blogging community. Last year I highlighted a number of readers with Reader Appreciation Month. At the end, I did some great summaries: 50 Classroom Management Tips I Have Learned This Month 47 Blogs That My Readers Are Reading Top 5 Character Traits Of Great Teachers 50 Reasons To Love Your Job As A Teacher I recently created a list of 10
Do I Really Want To Teach? Reader Appreciation by Joel Wagner - March 31, 2008July 2, 20106 I found this article that I wrote back in November but never got around to posting on the blog. Do I really want to teach? In my first two years of teaching, not a week went by when I didn't ask myself that very question. Many people face it every day. Without question, the most popular search terms that brings visitors to my blog are "quit teaching" and "do I want to teach?" I wonder how many Google searches are done each day on the subject. I wonder how many young teachers decide each day that this will be their last semester to teach. It's tragic, really. At the same time, the greater tragedy is the number of people who
Why I Hated Teaching During My First Two Years Reader Appreciation by Joel Wagner - February 8, 2008June 25, 201617 Newby writes: I have noticed lately in a couple of your posts you mentioned how terrible your first couple of years of teaching were. As a new reader, I have gone back into your archived information to learn more about this blog but have not come across why you had such a hard time. What made your first years so difficult? As a teacher with more years under your belt, do you think those experiences helped make you a better teacher or would you just as well forget about them altogether? What made my first years so difficult? I think there were a few factors that made my first year difficult. I didn't know how to control the class I am a firm believer
Ask Joel Reader Appreciation by Joel Wagner - February 1, 2008July 2, 20103 Lately, I have noticed a larger number of prospective and newer teachers leaving comments to my various articles. This has helped inspire me to offer what advice I can in a (hopefully) weekly question and answer forum. For lack of creativity, we'll call it "Ask Joel" and begin next week. Any question is fair game, whether it's about about teaching, classroom management, band directing, blogging, or whatever else! Email me and let me know your questions. I will choose from the questions I receive and post answers to them on Fridays. Why do this? Well, first of all, it makes me think more in-depth about certain topics. After my terrible first couple of years of teaching, I have blocked some
50 Reasons To Love Your Job As A Teacher Reader Appreciation by Joel Wagner - November 30, 2007August 5, 201612 In November of 2007, I had Reader Appreciation Month. During the course of that month, I interviewed a number of my readers and gained some powerful insight into what makes teachers tick. This article summarizes 50 reasons to love your job as a teacher. As we come to the conclusion of Reader Appreciation Month, I want to summarize some of the things that we have learned. Today, I'll focus on some of the reasons my readers have shared with me about why they love their jobs. Edutopia put together a slide show of 20 Inspiring Reasons Why You Love To Teach. But here are my 50 reasons to love your teaching job. 50 reasons to love teaching Sharing my experiences Helping inexperienced teachers solve problems The
Top 5 (Plus 14) Character Traits Of Superior Teachers Reader Appreciation by Joel Wagner - November 29, 2007July 28, 201610 In November of 2007, I had Reader Apprection Month where I interviewed some of my readers, most of whom were fellow bloggers. Through the course of that month, I picked up a number of responses to the question "What Makes A Superior Teacher?" This article aggregates them and looks at the top answers. I'd guess if you're doing the top 5, you are well on your way to being great. As we come to the conclusion of Reader Appreciation Month, I want to summarize some of the things that we have learned. Today, I'll focus on some of the character traits of people who were indicated by my readers as their favorite teachers. Some of the character traits were mentioned by multiple
47 Blogs That My Readers Are Reading Reader Appreciation by Joel Wagner - November 28, 2007July 2, 20108 As we come to the conclusion of Reader Appreciation Month, I want to summarize some of the things that we have learned. Today, I’ll focus on the incredible depth of blogs that readers have told me they read. So here are the 47 blogs that my readers are reading. A Teacher’s Education Adventures of a Christian Collegian Bionic Teaching The Blue Skunk Blog California Teacher Guy Confessions from the Couch Copyblogger Dangerously Irrelevant Dave Sherman David Armano dy/dan EdNotesOnline Education in Texas The Education Wonks Fred Klonsky Frumteacher Head of the Class History is Elementary Joyful Jubilant Learning Learn Me Good Lorelle on WordPress Ms. Frizzle Ms. Whatsit ms_teacher Musings from a Not-So-Master Teacher New Scientist
50 Awesome Classroom Management Tips You Can Use Tomorrow Reader Appreciation by Joel Wagner - November 27, 2007August 4, 20169 As we come to the conclusion of Reader Appreciation Month, I want to summarize some of the things that we have learned. Today, I'll focus on the incredible wealth of knowledge that we have learned about classroom management with these 50 awesome classroom management tips. I found that when I put all of the tips together, I had over 70 suggestions. I combined a few of them and broke them down into categories. The tips all fell into four categories: Personal, Student and Parent Relationships, Organization and Teaching, and Behavior and Rules. After consolidating, I came up with 50 classroom management tips I have learned this month. Personal classroom management tips Find out who you are as a person; find your strengths,