Who’s Looking For A Job This Summer? New Teachers by Joel Wagner - June 12, 2009June 30, 201025 Are you looking for a new job this summer? I know some people are sticking it out in their current district just because of the insecurity with the recession and current economic situation. I also know that some people have graduated from college and are moving into the world of education. Others have chosen to leave the teaching profession entirely. Are you looking for a new job this summer? Care to comment about your questions/fears/experiences?
Survival Kit For Teachers Looking To Relocate Why Teachers Quit by Joel Wagner - April 16, 2009June 19, 20162 Someone left a comment on another article on my blog yesterday that I wanted to address more in-depth with a Survival Kit of sorts to help you find a new teacher job. I posted a teaser this morning to see what kind of responses the community would come up. So far, I have read some incredible (and almost all positive) pointers. I’ve written a great deal about classroom management in the past here I’ve written about how I changed course and overcame a poor history of teaching in March of my second year of teaching I suppose this is sort of a follow-up to The Honeymoon Is Over: What Killed My First Teaching Job And 7 Tips For Getting Your Next Job. In that initial
Interview Tips General by Joel Wagner - May 25, 2008July 2, 20108 I have a friend who is interviewing for jobs this summer. What are some of your best tips for interviewing for a teaching job? How would interviews be different for elementary or secondary?
SYWTT’s Job Search Resource Page Why Teachers Quit by Joel Wagner - August 23, 2007July 5, 20100 It's nearing the end of August. Hopefully, you are not looking for a new job this early in the school year, but studies say that 60% of people are thinking of switching jobs at any given time. If this is you, you may want to check out The Ultimate Job Hunt Guide over at Chief Happiness Officer's blog. I've written a some on the topic of switching jobs before. Here are some good articles to get you started. Invalid Reasons Teachers Quit Valid Reasons Teachers Quit 9 Reasons To Quit Teaching (And 10 Reasons To Stick) The Total Résumé Makeover Polishing The Résumé